Maximizing Performance with C++ Move Semantics: Exploring the Benefits of Resource Transfers, Reduced Overhead, and Improved Memory Allocation

Maximizing Performance with C++ Move Semantics: Exploring the Benefits of Resource Transfers, Reduced Overhead, and Improved Memory Allocation


6 min read

Introduction ๐Ÿ’ก

C++11 introduced a powerful new feature called move semantics. This feature allows for more efficient use of memory and can greatly improve performance in certain scenarios.

In this article, we will explore what move semantics are, how they work, and provide code examples to demonstrate their benefits.

What are Move Semantics? ๐Ÿค”

Before we dive into move semantics, it is important to understand what happens when we pass objects by value in C++. When an object is passed by value, a copy of the object is created. This means that memory is allocated for the new object, and the original object is copied into that memory. This can be very expensive, especially for large objects.

Move semantics provide a solution to this problem. When an object is moved, instead of copying the object, the resources owned by the object are transferred to a new object. This means that no memory is allocated for the new object and no data is copied. Instead, the new object simply takes ownership of the resources previously owned by the original object.

In order to take advantage of move semantics, an object must have a movable constructor and a movable assignment operator. These constructors and operators are called move constructors and move assignment operators.

Move Constructors

A move constructor is a constructor that takes an rvalue reference to an object. This constructor is responsible for moving the resources owned by the object being passed in, and initializing the new object with those resources. Here is an example of a move constructor for a simple string class:

class String {
    // Default constructor
    String() : m_data(nullptr), m_length(0) {}

    // Constructor with a const char*
    String(const char* str) {
        m_length = strlen(str);
        m_data = new char[m_length + 1];
        strcpy(m_data, str);

    // Move constructor
    String(String&& other) noexcept {
        m_data = other.m_data;
        m_length = other.m_length;
        other.m_data = nullptr;
        other.m_length = 0;

    // Destructor
    ~String() {
        if (m_data) delete[] m_data;

    char* m_data;
    size_t m_length;

In this example, we define a simple string class with a move constructor. The move constructor takes an rvalue reference to another string object, which allows it to take ownership of the resources owned by the original object.

The move constructor then initializes the new object with the resources previously owned by the original object, and sets the original object's resources to null. This is important because the original object will be destroyed after the move constructor is called, and we do not want it to try to delete the resources it no longer owns.

Move Assignment Operators

A move assignment operator is similar to a move constructor, but instead of initializing a new object, it assigns the resources owned by the object being passed in to the current object. Here is an example of a move assignment operator for our string class:

class String {
    // Default constructor
    String() : m_data(nullptr), m_length(0) {}

    // Constructor with a const char*
    String(const char* str) {
        m_length = strlen(str);
        m_data = new char[m_length + 1];
        strcpy(m_data, str);

    // Move constructor
    String(String&& other) noexcept {
        m_data = other.m_data;
        m_length = other.m_length;
        other.m_data = nullptr;
        other.m_length = 0;

    // Move assignment operator
    String& operator=(String&& other) noexcept {
        if (this != &other) {
            if (m_data) delete[] m_data;
            m_data = other.m_data;
            m_length = other.m_length;
            other.m_data = nullptr;
            other.m_length = 0;
        return *this;

    // Destructor
    ~String() {
        if (m_data) delete[] m_data;

    char* m_data;
    size_t m_length;

In this example, we define a move assignment operator for our string class. Like the move constructor, the move assignment operator takes an rvalue reference to another string object.

The move assignment operator first checks whether the object being moved is the same as the current object, to prevent self-assignment. It then deletes any resources owned by the current object and assigns the resources owned by the object being moved to the current object. Finally, it sets the resources owned by the object being moved to null.

Benefits of Move Semantics

Now that we have seen how move semantics work, let's examine some scenarios where they can provide significant performance benefits.

Large Objects

As mentioned earlier, passing large objects by value can be very expensive, because it involves copying all the data in the object. Move semantics can provide a significant performance improvement in these scenarios, because they allow us to transfer ownership of the resources owned by the original object to a new object, without actually copying any data.

Here is an example of how move semantics can improve the performance of a function that returns a large object by value:

// A function that returns a large object by value
String getLargeString() {
    String largeString("This is a very large string");
    return largeString;

int main() {
    // Call the function and move the result into a new object
    String newString = getLargeString();

    return 0;

In this example, we define a function that returns a large string object by value. When the function is called, a new object is created and all the data in the original object is copied into the new object. However, when we move the result of the function into a new object in main, we are able to transfer ownership of the resources owned by the original object to the new object, without copying any data. This can provide a significant performance improvement, especially for large objects.

Memory Allocation

Move semantics can also be used to improve memory allocation performance. When an object is moved, it is possible to transfer ownership of the resources owned by the original object to a new object without actually allocating any new memory. This can be useful in scenarios where memory allocation is a bottleneck.

Here is an example of how move semantics can be used to improve memory allocation performance:

// A function that returns a vector of strings by value
std::vector<std::string> getStrings() {
    std::vector<std::string> strings;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        std::string str = "String " + std::to_string(i);

    return strings;

int main() {
    // Call the function and move the result into a new vector
    std::vector<std::string> newStrings = getStrings();

    return 0;

In this example, we define a function that returns a vector of strings by value. When the function is called, a new vector is created and all the strings are copied into the new vector. However, when we move each string into the vector using std::move(), we are able to transfer ownership of the resources owned by the original string to the new vector, without allocating any new memory. This can be a significant performance improvement, especially when dealing with large vectors.

Conclusion ๐Ÿš€

Move semantics are an important feature of C++, and can provide significant performance benefits in certain scenarios. By allowing us to transfer ownership of resources from one object to another, without copying any data or allocating new memory, we can reduce the overhead associated with copying and memory allocation. It is important to be aware of move semantics when designing C++ classes and functions, and to take advantage of them when appropriate.
